Thursday, 24 December 2015

Viva Gold 2015 Jive- All Aboard!

Item 1. Jive - All Aboard!

We’re all on board and the ship is ready to sail!

 “Sailors on a becalmed sea, we sense the stirring of a breeze.”

Carl Saga

Written by: Meng Deren 

Pictures by: Aaron Quek

As the opening item of the Viva Gold 2015, the jive item- 'All aboard!' successfully got the whole audience ready to kickstart their journey to a beautiful Caribbean island. 

The item was about the main lead Sebastian's first experience as a waiter on the 'Viva Gold' cruise liner. The dancers acted as sprightly young waiters and waitress going about their daily jobs as well as happy tourists on board the ship. This item showcased the dynamism and energy of the whole viva cast, of course led by our one and only Brian B! We hope the audience was hyped up by the music as they embarked on a journey with the Viva Gold cruise. 

Dancing in this item was a challenging but fun experience. As the opening item, building up the energy level during this item was very important as it gave the audience the first impression of the 'Viva Gold 2015' concert. In addition, there were many props used in this item such as brooms, trays, umbrellas, and deck chairs. Thus, we required a lot of practices to feel comfortable dancing with them and manage all the transactions smoothly. It was also not easy to get the counting right for all the transactions of the props.

Overall, I feel we did quite well in the actual performance. As one of the largest items with 20 dancers involved, one of the best things about being a part of this item was fostering great teamwork and bonding. Learning from each other improved our dance skills a lot. The choreography is another highlight of this item. The choreography has integrated Bboy-ing into the jive which makes it more vibrant and energetic. Sebastian changing his clothes on stage, and the transitions between brooms and trays also made the whole item much more fun than an ordinary jive choreography.

Much thanks Brian and Carin for coming up with such brilliant choreography and helping us with the jive techniques. We love the choreography very much and we really appreciate for all the help on the dance techniques we learnt from them.

I hope that there can be more and more brilliant choreography integrating other genres of dances from Viva in the future. The creative choreography together with the use of interesting props will definitely brings about another great production for Viva in the future,